Why we set up this BLOG

Mauri Ora!

It was Lily Tomlin who said:

”The trouble with the rat race is that

even when you win you’re still a rat.”

In light of that that, my cousin Johnny & I made a commitment to find a way out of the RAT RACE – so we set up this BLOG to record our journey in the hope that we could maintain our commitment by making our goals & thoughts public – and perhaps someone else might benefit from our journey/journal?

My Story

The question was: how are we going to get off the treadmill and out of the Rat Race?

Well, John Fuhrman said in the prologue of his book The Credit Diet:

“If you continue to do what you’ve always done,

You’ll continue to have what you’ve always had!”

Now I don’t know who said this but it’s as painfully obvious as the above:

“The definition of insanity

is doing the same things

and expecting different results”

So, if nothing changes, nothing changes!!

Well, I made some significant changes to kick my year into gear – top gear!!

In a nutshell – it was a change of mindset, a commitment to make changes in several areas of my life, identifying some BREAK THROUGH goals to focus on for the new year, creating a simple plan that I could follow and generating faith in myself – and it all began in 2007!

"Come to the edge, he said.
They said, we are afraid.
Come to the edge, he said.
They came,
He pushed them
And they flew.”

- Apollinaire

So, I decided to take a leap of faith & jump off the edge & build my wings on the way down!!

That is it in a nutshell – and I will share the details of how I got to the edge in a later post

Hauiti: The Urban Rat