- - - - U N P A C K ur T H I N K I N G ! - - -

Mauri ora !
One of my favourite quotes has to be:

"Faith can move mountains
but dont be suprised if the lord gives you a shovel"


"The giant oak lies in the acorn
but first, you must have an acorn"

The acorn is the seed of an idea!! But first we need to UNPACK the THINKING behind the IDEA - then formulate a ROAD-MAP to get to where you want to be OR what you want to achieve!!

So, I have just had a quick trip over to Queenstown (the resort capital of New Zealand) to visit my cousin Johnny. The idea behind the visit was to U N P A C K my T H I N K I N G!!

For the past month odd i have been consumed with family responsibility. My father was admitted to Waikato Hospital (North Island of New Zealand) around the 29th July for a Bypass operation - complications occurred and he was admitted to Intensive Care Unit. 3 weeks later he was released into the ward for a week and is now (as i write) being transferred to Rotorua Hospital for further recovery.

What did i learn?

"It's good to have money and the things that money can buy,
but its good too, to make sure
you haven't lost the things money cant buy"
-- George Horace Lorimer

I learnt some very sage lessons: family are important and a passive income (along with good cash flow!!) is essential not only for lifestyle - but to allow you to focus on the things that are important without being too concerned with how to pay the bills and where your next meal is coming from!!

What now?
2am on the first day i was in Queenstown - my cousin helped me with UNPACKING my THINKING

First we had a look at his business plan: very simple, sound and exciting!! (He can tell you more about that!!)

Then he helped me to focus on first things:
  • Start the Tee Shirt line: instant Cashflow(within 7 days)
  • Position myself to start the 30 day challenge: Develop Skillset (Sept 1)
  • Assemble a 'team' of people to engage in the 30 day challenge: develop team skillsets & Dynamics (Sept 1)
  • Build a new company - focus on Cultural Mapping: short-term & long-term Cashflow and skill development (Sept 12th)
  • Use the skillset developed from the 30 day challenge to develop an income with the products and niches we have discovered!! (1 October)
What now?
"Faith without works is like a bird without wings;
you can peck around with the chickens on earth
but when it comes time to soar in heaven with the eagles
you are left found wanting"

I am not sure who is responsible for that quote - but it encapsulates what i need to do now -



"Dont wish it were easier
wish you were better"
- - Jim Rohn

That's it in a nutshell
Hei kona

9 DAYS ! ! !

Mauri ora!!
It has been 9 days since i left my last message on Twitter - 9 days!!

I have been bedside with my Dad who had an Aortic Bypass that resulted in massive bleeing. As a result he is in ICU (Intensive Care Unit)and is receiving the greatest of care to help with his recovery.

Anyway, it will be a long haul - perhaps another 6-12 weeks in ICU

I have learnt several important lessons
  1. Family are important - great for lifting the spirits and giving you a sense of belonging
  2. Passive income - a means to support yourselves at important times - LIKE THIS!!!
  3. FOCUS: i need to absolutely focus my attention on the things that matter!!
  4. Health & Well-being - i am not bullet proof - so, take care of yourselves!

I started up a new blog to keep my family from all around the world imformed about my Dad's progress: http://tetawirioterangi.blogspot.com

Naaku noa



The 30 day challenge has B E G U N ! ! !

LESSON 1: this is what Ed Dale calls : the Symphony of 4 parts

  1. Market Research
  2. Traffic
  3. Conversion
  4. Product
Mauri Ora