9 DAYS ! ! !

Mauri ora!!
It has been 9 days since i left my last message on Twitter - 9 days!!

I have been bedside with my Dad who had an Aortic Bypass that resulted in massive bleeing. As a result he is in ICU (Intensive Care Unit)and is receiving the greatest of care to help with his recovery.

Anyway, it will be a long haul - perhaps another 6-12 weeks in ICU

I have learnt several important lessons
  1. Family are important - great for lifting the spirits and giving you a sense of belonging
  2. Passive income - a means to support yourselves at important times - LIKE THIS!!!
  3. FOCUS: i need to absolutely focus my attention on the things that matter!!
  4. Health & Well-being - i am not bullet proof - so, take care of yourselves!

I started up a new blog to keep my family from all around the world imformed about my Dad's progress: http://tetawirioterangi.blogspot.com

Naaku noa


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