Visual Goal Chart

Mauri ora!!

I was playing around with my 'planner' last week thinking . . . mmmm . . i need a visual chart to help keep my self in check - & to help my kids visualise the process of setting goals. So i created a document, then a PDF and finally an image to load up on this BLOG - so here it is - - - My first attempt at creating a Visual GOAL Chart for Setting GOALS: in a nutshell!!

- - - VISUAL GOAL CHART 101 - - -

This is the sequence in a nutshell:-

ask yourself this question:It all starts with a DREAM session:-
What would you like to achieve? Do? Be?

You've heard of SMART goals?
Well try the M.A.S.T.E.R. goals

M = Measurable
A = Achievable
S = Specific
T = time-based
E = Exciting
R = Realistic

get yourself a GOAL BOOK
Write your GOALS out in DETAIL

READ your goals every day - 3 times!!

identify your BREAKTHROUGH G O A L S
these are the GOALS
that will have the largest impact on your life!!!

Set out a PLAN of ACTION to progress each GOAL
- this is the HOW you are going to reach your DESTINATION

Each night
- set out a list of things to do for the next day
- that will move you closer to your goals!

WHERE can you find HELP?
Identify what Resources
or who is going to help you reach your goals!

- - - ->Coach - - --- --- >Books ------ -- - -> Mentor ----- ---- - - >Internet

Create AFFIRMATIONS for each of your goals
Write them on 3x5" cards & carry them around with you!

READ your affirmations each day!

VISUALISE your goals

Create a GOAL BOOK with images of your GOALS

Create a VISION BOARD with IMAGES of your GOALS

Take ACTION ! !

- - START - get going on your goals!!
this is the READY stage

- - - FIRE - - -
- just fire & adjust your aim later!

- - - AIM - -
- adjust your sights then take another shot !
- just get going & keep going!

- - REWARD yourself for each success!!

- -Now
REVIEW your progress frequently!!

Naaku noa

- - Journey of a 1000 Books - -

I set a goal at the beginning of the year to read a 1000 inspirational & motivational books!

As part of my my quarterly goals which I set out last weekend I set a goal to read a couple of Inspirational books and a couple of Biographies of Nobel Prize winners as well as the Old Testatment.

Well a couple of days ago i picked up “The Winner Within” By Pat Riley who was coach of the LA Lakers basketball team – awesome read!!

This book is about team-work and concentrates on developing a ‘winning team’. You dont have to be a basketball fan to benefit from this book because teamwork is essential in business, sports & personal development. Riley suggests that teamwork is the key to success in life & not just in sports!

Its an easy read with lots of examples taken from his coaching experience & his life time – i especially like the example of the Vietnam veterans story of re-claiming their place in American society – & i am not American – but it was a wonderful story.

Pick it up – you wont regret it


Inspiration is contagious!

There is something about inspirational & positive thoughts that touch the heart & inspire the soul - they seem to generate a feeling of euphoria & and sense of well-being that go a long way to helping you reach higher!!

Dr Norman Vincent Peale, regarded as the champion of Positive Thinking said that "People become really quite remarkable when they start thinking that they can do things. When they believe in themselves they have the first secret of success."

Dr Robert Anthony & many others have stated that if you "Act as if you have already achieved your goal [then] it is yours."

Charles Kettering said "Believe & act as if it were impossible to fail"

Rich De Vos of AMWAY fame said “The only thing that stands between a man and what he wants from life is often merely the will to try it and the faith to believe that it is possible."

Add to that: "You have to believe in yourself. And you have to, down deep within the bottom of your soul, feel that you can do the job that you've set out to do." from William Castle DeVries

Affirmations really are part of the key to developing a success consciousness - you must believe in yourself!! To help you do that you must fill your mind with positive & affirming thoughts - and you must read them everyday, at every opportunity - after all: "You are what you think about all day long." - Dr. Robert Schuller

Mauri ora