- - Journey of a 1000 Books - -

I set a goal at the beginning of the year to read a 1000 inspirational & motivational books!

As part of my my quarterly goals which I set out last weekend I set a goal to read a couple of Inspirational books and a couple of Biographies of Nobel Prize winners as well as the Old Testatment.

Well a couple of days ago i picked up “The Winner Within” By Pat Riley who was coach of the LA Lakers basketball team – awesome read!!

This book is about team-work and concentrates on developing a ‘winning team’. You dont have to be a basketball fan to benefit from this book because teamwork is essential in business, sports & personal development. Riley suggests that teamwork is the key to success in life & not just in sports!

Its an easy read with lots of examples taken from his coaching experience & his life time – i especially like the example of the Vietnam veterans story of re-claiming their place in American society – & i am not American – but it was a wonderful story.

Pick it up – you wont regret it


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