Forex 101: Newbie - Absolute NEWBIE

Here we go!! Another Forex article written by another Forex wannabe!! NOT WRONG by much!!

Here's the difference:
I just set up a new twitter account: 2whare with the express purpose of following & learning about how to trade on the Forex Market - so i went in search for anything resembling FOREX & came up with a number of people using Forex as part of their twitter username!

So, i decided to check each one of them out, starting with: forextrading165 (this is his username)

First Glance:
  • No Bio
  • No web/blog/squidoo link
  • 369 following
  • 12 updates: first 31 Oct 08 - 2 Mar 09
Not very busy at all!

Anyway, i decided to look into his Updates, starting with the first one dated 31 Oct in which he mentions an article worth looking at but doesnt give a link!!

"I came across this forex currency trading article the other day. It’s got some great information on why forex can be so lucrative."

The next update (dated 6 Jan 09) though has a link:
which i thought was work a look! And this is what i found!

Forex Trading Education - The Basics You Need To Make Serious Profits Today

So, scavenging around this site i came across an article which our 'guy' had submitted (some two months ago!) - there's a photo with a real name!! Its a SCRIBD page! Now Scribd is a social publishing site where anyone can upload & share their documents.

So, i tracked down his documents on a separate page and found a BIO!!

Peter Johnson
I am a keen forex trader with over 5 years experience. Currently I dont have a full time job, and am enjoying the flexibility of working from home.. Feel free to drop by anytime and share your experiences with forex.

A quick browse & i find more information about our intrepid Forex trader:

Website: Forex Trading Software review

You guessed it - a few articles & of course software to buy!! [Not really what i was looking for!]

Ok, back to the documents on his SCRIBD page: there are 9 of them - i'm going to dig in for a quick look!

At first glance he has been busy over the last 2 months, the latest document was uploaded 15 hours ago (its 2:11pm NZ time)

[1] Uploaded Jan 09: Forex Trading Education: The basics you need to know to make serious profits today

Great title i must admit! [just what i am look for - let me explain - i am absolutely NEW to FOREX TRADING!!]

Content? - sections:

  • Trade with your head not with your heart
  • The secret to true profits
  • Forex Trading Software?
  • Conclusions
Is that it?
Lets drill right down!!

Trade with your head not with your heart
  • Forex is purely mathematical & historical.
  • There is no emotion or instinct involved
  • It comes down to predicting & analysing previous trends & applying this to live markets
  • Reading on the history of Forex & how the market operates will stand you in good stead for future profits
The secret to true profits
  • Learn the basics of the foreign exchange first before using a system or software!!
  • Successful traders make their millions by consistent small profits
  • They achieve these through leverage & having large amounts of capital to play with
  • You are not going to make thousands through one trade
  • The foreign exchange market is extremely volatile & & small profits are the pathway to serious forex profits
Forex Trading Software? [or systems]
  • These are platforms or software that allow you to interpret marketplace data & base decisions to trade upon
  • Some platforms are automated - known as forex robots

Thats it!!

Document 2: Uploaded Jan 09: Forex Autopilot: Why it only works for some?

Great introduction!!
The article was written in response to all the negative feedback re: Forex Autopilot

  • Well packaged get rich quick scheme?
  • You need to understand forex first
  • Not enough capital
Well packaged get rich quick scheme?
  • He admits that forex autopilot is packaged as a GET RICH QUICK SCHEME!!
  • It is an advanced piece of software
  • Attracting alot of attention
You need to understand forex first
  • First principles: take time to understand the markets
  • Place some demo trades
  • ease into it slowly
Not enough capital
  • to achieve significant profits in forex you need capital!!
Experience & approach is required to make this type of software work for you

Document 3: Uploaded one month ago- Does The Forex Miracle System Deliver Results with Minimal Capital?

  • What the forex miracle is not
  • What sets it apart?
  • Haven't i heard this all before?
What the forex miracle is not
  • It is not an automated forex system (robot)
  • it is a purely mechanical, step-by-step system which you can copy and use in your manual trading
  • It is not software that analyses the market & provides indications of swings & trends
What sets it apart?
  • Designed for new traders!!
  • Does not required a lot of upfront capital
  • a reliable system with some element of risk
  • you can use as little as US $ 300 to kick this off
Haven't i heard this all before?
  • 60 day money back guarantee
  • Creators confident the system will work if you follow the instructions
Forex Miracle Review
I had a quick look at the bottom line - scrolled right passed all the information to the bottom line


Thats me for now!!


The RULE of 5

I was born in a town called Taupo, North Island of New Zealand - te Ika a Maui, Aotearoa. We boast the largest lake in the country from which flows the mighty Waikato River, north to Port Waikato on the other side of Hamilton.

Taupo is distinctive in that it is smack in the middle of the North Island and is flanked to the south by 3 distinctive mountains: Ruapehu, Ngauruahoe & Tongariro (there are lots of stories about these maunga, but at a later post) Taupo is also surrounded by forests; mainly to the north and east.

I worked in the bush when i was a teenager: pruning & releasing during my school holidays. Sometimes we whacked a few pines down with slashers; once i got to work with one of the bosses carrying all the equipment while he dropped some huge trees!!

But i never got to use a chainsaw, just a slasher - a square shaped head - as long as it was sharp & your aim was true you could eventually bring down a 5 year old pine - you just had to swing that slasher at the tree - one after the other until it fell!!

"Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out"
- -Robert Collier

This is principle number 23 in Canfield's book: The Principles of Success - the RULE of FIVE

Here is how the RULE OF FIVR works:
  • Figure out what you want to achieve
  • then decide what 5 things you are going to do today, & the next day etc to move you towards your goal & eventually towards completion

Now this month Poutu-te-rangi (March) is BREAKTHROUGH month & i have set out some big goals to attack for the month!!

So for this week: 9 - 15 Poutu-te-rangi - these are the 5 things i will do this week to move me towards my BREAKTHROUGH GOALS

  1. B4L workouts at the gym 6/7 days
  2. DETOX - start tomorrow
  3. WRITE each day!
  4. READ each day
  5. complete BUDGET for CLAIM
- naaku noa -


Just how important is whanau? Thats family!!

When the ancestors looked into the pool of water, he saw his moko reflected back - he saw his children and their children - all the generations yet to come - he saw his mokopuna!

Family is important!
Here is mine: - - - >>>

101 Major Goals

Mauri ora!

I got this idea last year from one of Jack Canfield's book: The Principles of success - 101 goals to complete before you pass away!

These are a list of my 101 major goals


  1. Complete & graduate with a PhD
  2. Develop Wisdom & Understanding
  3. Write & publish a novel
  4. Study the works of 100 great persons
  5. Create my own library of 1000 personal development books, DVDs, Audios & resources
  6. Read 1000 personal development books
  7. Collect 1000 positive thoughts
  8. Compile these thorts into a book
  9. Compile a 12 month calendar of thorts
  10. Create & publish my own Planner
  11. Organise a Maori GIS conference
  12. Prepare a Best-Practice Manual for mapping cultural assets
  13. Read all Clive Cussler's books
  14. Read all Tom Clancy's books


  1. Start & manage a successful national & international company
  2. Create my own successful website
  3. Become financially independent
  4. Become a Millionaire
  5. Eliminate all my debt
  6. Develop no less than 5 streams of income
  7. Develop a real estate portfolio
  8. Develop a share portfolio
  9. Invest in the Forex Market
  10. Attend a Jamie MacIntyre seminar
  11. Attend a Jack Canfield seminar
  12. Write a book on business success/financial success
  13. Run a seminar for Financial Literacy
  14. Become a life-coach & mentor
  15. Run a life-coaching seminar
  16. Create a tee shirt business with whakatauki & other Indigenous statements on them!
  17. Create training modules (GIS/Indigenous Mapping) & procedures for Mapping Cultural assets


  1. Learn Tai Chi
  2. Learn Qigong
  3. Shodan Grading in Goju Ryu
  4. Learn Aikido
  5. Learn Kung Fu
  6. Learn & practice yoga
  7. Reach and Maintain a healthy & strong 87kg body
  8. Learn how to use SAI
  9. Nunchuks
  10. & Bo
  11. Learn to swim properly
  12. Build 18" arms
  13. Cycle around lake Taupo
  14. I want 6 pack-abs


  1. Build an Acoustic Guitar from scratch
  2. Learn to play 10 classical guitar pieces
  3. Learn to play flamenco guitar
  4. Learn to play 10 songs on the piano
  5. Learn to speak basic Spanish
  6. Learn 3 Spanish guitar songs
  7. Own a Hummer
  8. Learn 3 Latin Dances
  9. Attend a world cup rugby game


  1. Revive the art of whai
  2. Publish the first series of 4 DVDs & Booklets on WHAI
  3. Run a successful TRUST that deals with wananga & creating cultural resources
  4. Learn 500 whai figures
  5. Produce DVDs & booklets on all the figures
  6. Create a TV series for whai
  7. Join the International String Federation (ISF)
  8. Attend at least one seminar hosted by the ISF
  9. Write an article for the ISF magazine
  10. Host an International Seminar on whai
  11. Perform whai at Te Papa
  12. Create an art series for an art display of whai
  13. Transform the current whai books into instructional DVDs
  14. Make a pukaea & putatara
  15. Learn whakairo
  16. Work on a whare - carve!
  17. Visit a place of Wananga - an ancient wananga place
  18. Learn 100 karakia
  19. Learn 200 moteatea
  20. Learn 5000 whakapapa names
  21. Learn & make a manutukutuku
  22. Carve a Rakau Whakapapa
  23. Weave a Korowai & Maro
  24. Learn tukutuku
  25. Learn taiaha,
  26. tewhatewha,
  27. patu
  28. & pouwhenua
  29. Create a star map in Maori
  30. Get a Moko
  31. Learn ancient navigation skilss
  32. sail a boat from the islands to Aotearoa

More FUN

  1. Visit Cambridge University
  2. Fly in a helicopter
  3. Bungee jump
  4. Hang glide
  5. Get a pilot's license (small plane)
  6. Learn to play golf
  7. Holiday in Machu Picchu & Titicaca
  8. Holiday in Hawaii
  9. Holiday in the Mediterranean
  10. Holiday in Africa
  11. Holiday in South America
  12. Holiday in Canada
  13. Holiday in Europe
  14. Visit Gallipoli
  15. Visit Rome
  16. Visit Stonehenge
  17. Visit the Great Wall of China
  18. Visit the Washington Memorial
  19. Attend an Indigenous Mapping Network Conference
  20. Meet Nelson Mandela
  21. Meet Michael Jordan
  22. Meet Tiger Woods
  23. Build my/our dream home
  24. Have my own in-house movie theatre
  25. Create my own Bonsai garden of Natives
  26. Own a Fender Stratocaster
  27. Firearms training


  1. Home school all my children
  2. Raise 7 leaders!
  3. Write my Autobiography
  4. Create a family trust for our lands
  5. Organise a Hakopa Family Reunion
  6. Organise a Te Kuru Family Reunion
  7. See my children rise to their full potential

I just added up my list - there are 120!

Naaku noa

Blogged with the Flock Browser


Lets re-cap:
First Principle: take 100 % responsibility for the quality of your life & everything you do!
Second Principle: Be clear about why you are here! Create your own Personal Mission Statement!
Third Principle: Decide what you want

- - Principle 4: Believe it is possible - -

I have always had high expectations!! When i first read the title to this chapter i didn't bother reading the rest of the blurb. One year later i read it: it teaches us to "Condition ourselves to expect the best"! When we do this then our brain will expect something to happen in a certain way - thus we will achieve what we expect

"You can be anything you want to be, if only you believe with sufficient conviction
and act in accordance with your faith;
for what ever the mind can conceive & believe
it can achieve" - Napoleon Hill

Believe in yourself, & if you don't believe in yourself just yet - then find someone who will believe in you!!

- Urban -
Blogged with the Flock Browser

- Decisions -

- - Principle 3: Decide what you want! - -

Q: what do you want to accomplish?
Q: What possessions do you want to acquire?
Q: Where do you want to be?
Q: What does success look like to you?

- This lesson is about clarifying what you really want in life -

Make an I WANT LIST!
An easy way of clarifying what you want is by creating a I WANT LIST
- Make a list of 30 things you want to do
- Make another list of 30 things you want to have
- and another list of 30 things you want to be -----before you die!!

Make a LIVING from doing the things you love to do?
- Make a list of 20 things you love to do
- then, THINK of ways you can make a living doing some of those things!

Clarify your VISION of your IDEAL LIFE!
Q:How do you get from where you are to where you want to be?
Two things you need to know:
  1. where you are
  2. where you want to go to
Thus your VISION is a DETAILED DESCRIPTION of where you want to get to
- your vision describes what your destination looks like
- your vision needs to cover all your basic goal areas
- just figure out where your destination is, what it looks like and feels like

Inner GPS
You remember how we talked about your inner GPS?
All these elements help you to lock onto your destination and gets you moving in the right direction!

Clarify your VISION - exercise
Here is an exercise to help you clarify your vision (see Canfield pp32-33 for full description)
Set aside some time where you can have peace and quiet, and perhaps some soft music and close your eyes.

Focus on one of your goal areas - for example - your financial goals
- visualise what your annual income will be,
- visualise what your cash flow looks like
- visualise how much money you have invested & in savings
- visualise what your house looks like, how big it is, what the detail is like inside and out, where it is located,
- visualise the kind of car you have!
- and so on. . . .

You get the picture?

Visualise all your goals in the above manner!

then WRITE down what you have visualised!

- Urban -

A Personal Mission Statement

Clarifying why you are here (Canfield Principle 2)
This lesson took a lot of thinking through - but once i committed my thinking towards clarifying my "life purpose" or rather the why behind why i do things - it became smooth!

Internal GPS
GPS is a Global Positioning System which makes use of a network of satellites to determine your position on the surface of the earth and to help you to navigate from A (where you are) to B (your destination).

We have an Internal GPS which helps us to navigate from where we are to where we want to be - it is referred to as JOY or HAPPINESS!! Quite simply, we can tell whether we are on or off our purpose by the amount of joy or happiness we experience!

What we need to do is identify the times when we have experienced the most joy, figure out what the common elements are in each of the experiences, and then look for a way to make a living from doing the things that make us happy!!

L i f e P u r p o s e E x e r c i s e
Following is one way in which you cna develop your life purpose or Mission Statement
  1. List a couple of your unique personal qualities: e.g enthusiasm & creativity
  2. List ways in which you express those qualities when you interact with others : e.g such as support or inspire
  3. Ask yourself what your perfect world would look like? How would people treat each other, how would they interact with each other. Example: everyone is freely expressing their own unique qualities & talents. Everyone is working in harmony. Everyone is expressing love.
  4. Now combine 1 - 3 above into a statement that identifies what your "life purpose" is: My purpose is to use my creativity & enthusiasm to support and inspire others to freely express their talents in a harmonious and loving way
The idea behind defining your LIFE PURPOSE is to ensure that your vision & goals are aligned with the 'why' you do things!!

Unique qualities
- - - Vision, drive, creativity, persistence, innovation, proactive

How do i express these qualities when interacting with others?
- - - teach, guide, inspire & create

What does my perfect world look like?
- - - Everyone achieving their dreams & aspirations
- - - Everyone living to their fullest potential
- - - Everyone happy doing what they are doing every single day

My Life purpose - my MISSION STATEMENT

"My purpose is to use my vision, creativity & drive
to teach, guide & inspire others
to achieve their dreams & aspirations,
to realise their full potential
and to live happy & full lives"

Thats me in a nutshell

- Urban -


I have started re-reading Canfield's book: The Success Principles: How to get from where you are to where you want to be.

While i was reading through the introduction it occurred to me that that i should share what i learn as i read & implement the principles espoused in this book - so i made a commitment:
  • to implement each PRINCIPLE as i come to understand it
  • to SHARE each principle through this blog
  • & to MONITOR my EXPERIENCE throughout the year & again share that experience in this blog.
I have already set out my GOALS for 2009. No doubt - It is going to be a BIG year & what better way to develop a PROSPEROUS & SUCCESSFUL MINDSET (this is one of my personal growth goals!!)than by applying the PRINCIPLES OF SUCCESS as outlined by Canfield?

I am looking forward to the rest of 2009!!
I am looking forward to achieving ALL my goals!!
I am looking forward to developing the type of mindset that attracts PROSPERITY
& I am looking forward to sharing my experiences with the people close to me & to YOU


- - 100% RESPONSIBILITY! - -

Responsibility is a choice
You, me and everyone else is responsible for the quality of life we as individuals enjoy!!

"No one can do your push-ups for you, you must do them yourself to get the full benefit"

If you want to be in all your achievements, relationships, education, spirituality, personal growth, health & fitness, income, career, feelings - then you must take 100% responsibility for the outcome that you want!
If you want to create the life you always dreamed of, then you have to take 100% responsibility for your life

What does that mean?

It means giving up all your excuses, all your poor me stories & you must give up blaming other people & circumstances for the way thing are in your life!!

Dr Robert Resnick uses a simple formula that clarifies the idea of "100% responsibility"

it is expressed thus: E + R = O


E = the event
R = is your response
O = the outcome!!

There are two choices that you can make when the result isnt to your liking!

1. you can blame the event (E) for your lack of results (O)


2. you can change your response (R) to the event (E) until you get the Outcome (O) you want!!

Everything you experience today is the result of choices you have made in the past!!

You have control over 3 things in your life:

1. the thoughts you think
2. the images you visualise &
3. the action you take - or your behaviour!

Now these 3 things are important to the experiences we have!
If we do not like the experiences we have, then we have to change the responses we have to the events that take place in our lives!!

We can change negative thoughts to positive thoughts
we can change what we daydream about
we can change the images we hold in our minds
we can change our habits
we can change what we put into our minds - what we read!
we can change how we talk
we can change our friends

Don't blame others for what happens to you & dont complain about what happens to you - instead, do something about it!!

To be more successful all you have to do is act in ways that produce more of what you want! This may be a simple principle but is not easy to implement. You need to pay attention to what you are doing & the RESULTS you are producing. You need AWARENESS, dedicated DISCIPLINE & a willingness to EXPERIMENT & take RISKS!

You need to constantly ask yourself:
  • What am i doing that's working & i need to be doing more of?
  • What am i doing that's not working and i need to be doing less of?
  • What am i not doing that i need to try to see if it works?
So, do more of what's working
Do less of what is not working
Try new behaviours to see if they produce better results!!

- naku noa -

Blogged with the Flock Browser

te TAU HOU 2009

One of my favourite places:
the Esplanade,
St Clair Beach
South Island,
Aotearoa, NZ

"It has been said that a goal not written is just a dream!
However, it follows that a goal not reviewed is just a WRITTEN DREAM!!"

Towards the end of last year, i began the process of unpacking 2008 in preparation for 2009

I began by asking several questions:

If i could turn back the clock 12 months, what would i change that would have the greatest impact on my life?

- I would focus on BALANCE & PRIORITIES
- I would give consideration to my weak areas: EDUCATION & FINANCIAL.

What went well? What were the highlights of 2008?

What did i learn last year that will help me this year?

- CONSISTENCY: I need to be consistent with setting & following through with my goals
- MONITORING: I need to monitor my goals on a daily / regular basis
- SCHEDULE: I need to schedule in time for my goals each week & month
- CLARITY: my goals need to be crystal clear!
- VISION BOARDS / BOOK: create images/pictures of my goals & look over them each morning/evening
- AFFIRMATIONS: create affirmations for each goal & read these affirmations at least twice each day!!
SPECIFIC: be specific with what i want to achieve
- HUMILITY: cultivate humility to strengthen my character
- BALANCE: cultivate balance across all goal areas
- PRIORITISE: prioritise my goals
- BREAKTHROUGH: identify the goals that will have the biggest impact on my life!!

What were the biggest challenges that i faced last year with my goals?

- trying to do too much
- & high expectations
- lack of balance across all goal areas
- lack of priority with my goals

What is my personal mission statement?

"to teach, create, support & drive myself towards my dreams & aspirations"
Something like that - this needs some more work!!

What type of person do i want to be?
Courageous, prosperous, proactive, humble, trustworthy, honest, faithful, hopeful, loving, caring - Happy & Content!

2008 would have gone well if i:
  • Find a mentor/model/teacher to help me with my goals
  • Was patient in teaching
  • Focussed 100% on achieving my goals
  • Followed-through effectively to achieve my goals
  • Communicated effectively
  • could be more loving and respectful in all my significant relationships
  • took proper care of myself
  • became financially independent
  • educated myself for the 21st century
  • prepared 18 months of long-term storage
Identify STRATEGIES that worked - transfer to this year
  • set out a 90 day plan for all my goals to kick off the year
  • identify my BREAKTHROUGH GOALS 4 each month
  • clarify, specify, monitor, affirm, visualise & act

My ANNUAL GOALS for 2009
Spiritual: to tune in to the whisperings of the spirit

Physical: to have a lean, mean, strong, fit, flexible & healthy 87kg body!! & to look good along the way!!

Whanau: to raise my kids to be LEADERS & to develop loving & respectful relationships with my significant other

Mental: to develop a smooth & understanding mind

Educational: to develop a solid knowledge base and complete my PhD

Financial: to develop a prosperous & wealthy mindset

FUN: to be happy & content

Social & Community: to develop cultural depth, skill & capacity

2008 is now history, 2009 has arrived with a bang!!

- Urban -

90 Day Plan

My 90 Day Plan

  • Read every day
  • Write every day
  • Set goals for each week, plan for each day
  • Review my goals every day
  • Visualise my goals every day
  • Meditate every day
  • Exercise each day
  • Express gratitude each day
  • Smile every day
  • Review each week
  • Rate each week based on my goals
  • Plan each week
  • Review each day
  • Karakia each day
  • Waiata each day

- Urban -