A Personal Mission Statement

Clarifying why you are here (Canfield Principle 2)
This lesson took a lot of thinking through - but once i committed my thinking towards clarifying my "life purpose" or rather the why behind why i do things - it became smooth!

Internal GPS
GPS is a Global Positioning System which makes use of a network of satellites to determine your position on the surface of the earth and to help you to navigate from A (where you are) to B (your destination).

We have an Internal GPS which helps us to navigate from where we are to where we want to be - it is referred to as JOY or HAPPINESS!! Quite simply, we can tell whether we are on or off our purpose by the amount of joy or happiness we experience!

What we need to do is identify the times when we have experienced the most joy, figure out what the common elements are in each of the experiences, and then look for a way to make a living from doing the things that make us happy!!

L i f e P u r p o s e E x e r c i s e
Following is one way in which you cna develop your life purpose or Mission Statement
  1. List a couple of your unique personal qualities: e.g enthusiasm & creativity
  2. List ways in which you express those qualities when you interact with others : e.g such as support or inspire
  3. Ask yourself what your perfect world would look like? How would people treat each other, how would they interact with each other. Example: everyone is freely expressing their own unique qualities & talents. Everyone is working in harmony. Everyone is expressing love.
  4. Now combine 1 - 3 above into a statement that identifies what your "life purpose" is: My purpose is to use my creativity & enthusiasm to support and inspire others to freely express their talents in a harmonious and loving way
The idea behind defining your LIFE PURPOSE is to ensure that your vision & goals are aligned with the 'why' you do things!!

Unique qualities
- - - Vision, drive, creativity, persistence, innovation, proactive

How do i express these qualities when interacting with others?
- - - teach, guide, inspire & create

What does my perfect world look like?
- - - Everyone achieving their dreams & aspirations
- - - Everyone living to their fullest potential
- - - Everyone happy doing what they are doing every single day

My Life purpose - my MISSION STATEMENT

"My purpose is to use my vision, creativity & drive
to teach, guide & inspire others
to achieve their dreams & aspirations,
to realise their full potential
and to live happy & full lives"

Thats me in a nutshell

- Urban -

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