te TAU HOU 2009

One of my favourite places:
the Esplanade,
St Clair Beach
South Island,
Aotearoa, NZ

"It has been said that a goal not written is just a dream!
However, it follows that a goal not reviewed is just a WRITTEN DREAM!!"

Towards the end of last year, i began the process of unpacking 2008 in preparation for 2009

I began by asking several questions:

If i could turn back the clock 12 months, what would i change that would have the greatest impact on my life?

- I would focus on BALANCE & PRIORITIES
- I would give consideration to my weak areas: EDUCATION & FINANCIAL.

What went well? What were the highlights of 2008?

What did i learn last year that will help me this year?

- CONSISTENCY: I need to be consistent with setting & following through with my goals
- MONITORING: I need to monitor my goals on a daily / regular basis
- SCHEDULE: I need to schedule in time for my goals each week & month
- CLARITY: my goals need to be crystal clear!
- VISION BOARDS / BOOK: create images/pictures of my goals & look over them each morning/evening
- AFFIRMATIONS: create affirmations for each goal & read these affirmations at least twice each day!!
SPECIFIC: be specific with what i want to achieve
- HUMILITY: cultivate humility to strengthen my character
- BALANCE: cultivate balance across all goal areas
- PRIORITISE: prioritise my goals
- BREAKTHROUGH: identify the goals that will have the biggest impact on my life!!

What were the biggest challenges that i faced last year with my goals?

- trying to do too much
- & high expectations
- lack of balance across all goal areas
- lack of priority with my goals

What is my personal mission statement?

"to teach, create, support & drive myself towards my dreams & aspirations"
Something like that - this needs some more work!!

What type of person do i want to be?
Courageous, prosperous, proactive, humble, trustworthy, honest, faithful, hopeful, loving, caring - Happy & Content!

2008 would have gone well if i:
  • Find a mentor/model/teacher to help me with my goals
  • Was patient in teaching
  • Focussed 100% on achieving my goals
  • Followed-through effectively to achieve my goals
  • Communicated effectively
  • could be more loving and respectful in all my significant relationships
  • took proper care of myself
  • became financially independent
  • educated myself for the 21st century
  • prepared 18 months of long-term storage
Identify STRATEGIES that worked - transfer to this year
  • set out a 90 day plan for all my goals to kick off the year
  • identify my BREAKTHROUGH GOALS 4 each month
  • clarify, specify, monitor, affirm, visualise & act

My ANNUAL GOALS for 2009
Spiritual: to tune in to the whisperings of the spirit

Physical: to have a lean, mean, strong, fit, flexible & healthy 87kg body!! & to look good along the way!!

Whanau: to raise my kids to be LEADERS & to develop loving & respectful relationships with my significant other

Mental: to develop a smooth & understanding mind

Educational: to develop a solid knowledge base and complete my PhD

Financial: to develop a prosperous & wealthy mindset

FUN: to be happy & content

Social & Community: to develop cultural depth, skill & capacity

2008 is now history, 2009 has arrived with a bang!!

- Urban -

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