Mauri ora!
I got this idea last year from one of Jack Canfield's book: The Principles of success - 101 goals to complete before you pass away!
These are a list of my 101 major goals
- Complete & graduate with a PhD
- Develop Wisdom & Understanding
- Write & publish a novel
- Study the works of 100 great persons
- Create my own library of 1000 personal development books, DVDs, Audios & resources
- Read 1000 personal development books
- Collect 1000 positive thoughts
- Compile these thorts into a book
- Compile a 12 month calendar of thorts
- Create & publish my own Planner
- Organise a Maori GIS conference
- Prepare a Best-Practice Manual for mapping cultural assets
- Read all Clive Cussler's books
- Read all Tom Clancy's books
- Start & manage a successful national & international company
- Create my own successful website
- Become financially independent
- Become a Millionaire
- Eliminate all my debt
- Develop no less than 5 streams of income
- Develop a real estate portfolio
- Develop a share portfolio
- Invest in the Forex Market
- Attend a Jamie MacIntyre seminar
- Attend a Jack Canfield seminar
- Write a book on business success/financial success
- Run a seminar for Financial Literacy
- Become a life-coach & mentor
- Run a life-coaching seminar
- Create a tee shirt business with whakatauki & other Indigenous statements on them!
- Create training modules (GIS/Indigenous Mapping) & procedures for Mapping Cultural assets
- Learn Tai Chi
- Learn Qigong
- Shodan Grading in Goju Ryu
- Learn Aikido
- Learn Kung Fu
- Learn & practice yoga
- Reach and Maintain a healthy & strong 87kg body
- Learn how to use SAI
- Nunchuks
- & Bo
- Learn to swim properly
- Build 18" arms
- Cycle around lake Taupo
- I want 6 pack-abs
- Build an Acoustic Guitar from scratch
- Learn to play 10 classical guitar pieces
- Learn to play flamenco guitar
- Learn to play 10 songs on the piano
- Learn to speak basic Spanish
- Learn 3 Spanish guitar songs
- Own a Hummer
- Learn 3 Latin Dances
- Attend a world cup rugby game
- Revive the art of whai
- Publish the first series of 4 DVDs & Booklets on WHAI
- Run a successful TRUST that deals with wananga & creating cultural resources
- Learn 500 whai figures
- Produce DVDs & booklets on all the figures
- Create a TV series for whai
- Join the International String Federation (ISF)
- Attend at least one seminar hosted by the ISF
- Write an article for the ISF magazine
- Host an International Seminar on whai
- Perform whai at Te Papa
- Create an art series for an art display of whai
- Transform the current whai books into instructional DVDs
- Make a pukaea & putatara
- Learn whakairo
- Work on a whare - carve!
- Visit a place of Wananga - an ancient wananga place
- Learn 100 karakia
- Learn 200 moteatea
- Learn 5000 whakapapa names
- Learn & make a manutukutuku
- Carve a Rakau Whakapapa
- Weave a Korowai & Maro
- Learn tukutuku
- Learn taiaha,
- tewhatewha,
- patu
- & pouwhenua
- Create a star map in Maori
- Get a Moko
- Learn ancient navigation skilss
- sail a boat from the islands to Aotearoa
More FUN
- Visit Cambridge University
- Fly in a helicopter
- Bungee jump
- Hang glide
- Get a pilot's license (small plane)
- Learn to play golf
- Holiday in Machu Picchu & Titicaca
- Holiday in Hawaii
- Holiday in the Mediterranean
- Holiday in Africa
- Holiday in South America
- Holiday in Canada
- Holiday in Europe
- Visit Gallipoli
- Visit Rome
- Visit Stonehenge
- Visit the Great Wall of China
- Visit the Washington Memorial
- Attend an Indigenous Mapping Network Conference
- Meet Nelson Mandela
- Meet Michael Jordan
- Meet Tiger Woods
- Build my/our dream home
- Have my own in-house movie theatre
- Create my own Bonsai garden of Natives
- Own a Fender Stratocaster
- Firearms training
- Home school all my children
- Raise 7 leaders!
- Write my Autobiography
- Create a family trust for our lands
- Organise a Hakopa Family Reunion
- Organise a Te Kuru Family Reunion
- See my children rise to their full potential
I just added up my list - there are 120!
Naaku noa
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