R E X: the bionic legs

Here's a heartwarming story about a couple of Kiwi inventors, Richard Little and Robert Irving, who have invented a pair of bionic legs that allows a paraplegic to walk again.

Nicknamed Rex, the Robotic Exoskeleton, Little and Irving have been working on this device for seven years. It consists of a pair of robotic that enables a person confined to a wheelchair to stand, walk and even climb steps.

Launched today, using Hayden Allen's who suffered a serious spinal cord injury five years ago puts this design at the cutting edge of technology

This device makes Hayden one of the first people in the world to use the bionic legs.
Childhood friends Little and Irving say Rex is not a replacement for a wheelchair, rather Rex offers a range of options that are not available anywhere in the world.

Each Rex is custom built onsite at the Rex Bionics' headquarters in Auckland . It has a long-life rechargeable battery with sufficient power for a typical day of use.

COST: is estimated to be approximately $US150,000

AVAILABILITY: for purchase in New Zealand by the end of the year and in other countries by the middle of 2011.

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