How to achieve an extraordinary life

I am reading a fascinating book at the moment called The Answer written by visionary John Assaraf and business guru Murray Smith. Two of the most successful entrepreneurs in the world collaborate to produce a guide to setting up a successful business and by extension - life style; for me, it has proven to be a guideline on how to achieve extra-ordinary goals and live the life you dream of living!

I picked this little gem up on one of my travels down the North Island heading home to Dunedin in the South Island (NZ) - that was way back in June. I put it aside in my book case and finished up writing my PhD - handed it in 3 weeks ago!! I have just begun to relax into the end of the year and have started to think about my approach to next year - i spotted this book in my book shelf and opened it up - haven't been able to put it down since! - The ideas swirl around in my head - the opportunities and possibilities are astounding!

The Answer provides a framework for showing you how to to rewire your mind for success! It really is an extension of the secret; that seminally piece of work produced by Rhonda Bryne a few years ago which featured John Assaraf and many other illuminaries. The Answer shows you step by step how to achieve your goals and how to create an extraordinary life by changing your mind-set, habits, thoughts and actions.

There is no doubt in my mind that anyone who follows this step by step process to build their dream career, business or lifestyle will experience an enormous transformation and reach an exceptional level of living - i am implementing it as i write!

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