B R E A K T H R O U G H - - - ! !

"Success is what you attract
by the person you become!!"
- - Jim Rohn

My kids & i have been setting goals together for about 8 0r 9 years now - we do this on a regular basis - usually on a Sunday evening - and every year i try a new approach, in fact every week i try a new approach - over the years i have wondered whether i have done the right things by my children - - its not often that i see the fruits of all the labour that goes into raising kids.

I cant remember who said this, but i quite like it:

" Giant oaks grow from small acorns
but first you must have an acorn"

It was important that my kids had dreams!
Sometimes i see a small measure of success - and sometimes i see them grow in 'leaps & bounds'.
and when that happens - it is all worthwhile!!

Over the years we have used different methods for recording our goals - we started out using the back of our journals, then i made out a weekly goal sheet, then a goal book, then a SMART planning book, and now we use a M.A.S.T.E.R. planning book!! (I will explain M.AS.T.E.R. Planner in a following post)

Anyway, last Sunday i tried this with my kids:

I got them to set out their 'objectives' for the next 10 days (up to the end of the month) - then i said to them:

"which one of your goals
would have the most positive impact on your life
if you were to accomplish it?"

They hummed and they harred.
It took a while for them to settle on the most important goal on their list - and once they did - then i asked them another question:

"What 10 things do you have to do,
between now and the end of the month
to accomplish your goal?"

Eventually they set out their list of things to do to accomplish their goals - then i followed up with:

"everyday, i want you to do one thing from your list
that will help you move closer to your goal"

As i write this it is Saturday the 26 - tomorrow i will check in with my kids to see how they are progressing!!

These types of goals are what Jack Canfield calls BREAKTHROUGH GOALS - the type of goals that are going to change your lives significantly - the type of goals that are going to increase your comfort zone, stretch you and change the shape of your thinking!!

"Life is like a combination lock
your job is to find the right numbers
in the right order
so you can have anything you want"
- - Brian Tracy

Mauri ora!
Urban Rat

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