from the INSIDE-OUT

I don't know who said this, but i have been using it ever since i heard it:

"You cant draw water from an empty well"

Change for me has always been about INSIDE-OUT
Change what goes into your mind - in order to change how you view the world, how you react to circumstances, and how you perceive obstacles.

Winston Churchill said:

" to improve is to change,
to be perfect is to change often"

I wanted to change my circumstances; i wanted to find a way to create a PROSPEROUS MINDSET - so i began to change what went into my mind. I read alot - Stephen & Sean Covey, Napoleon Hill, Zig Ziglar, Anthony Robbins, Denis Waitley, Paul Zane Pilzer, Pat Mesiti, Robert Kiyosaki, W Clement Stone, Dale Carnegie, Norman Vincent Peale, Jack Canfield, Mark Hansen, Loral Langmeier, Brian Tracy, Vince Lombardi, Jamie MacIntyre and the list is endless!!

These types of books contain endless information and techniques for personal development and changing your mindset BUT, here's the rider:

"The KEY is in the person,
NOT the tools
- change must occur from the INSIDE-OUT!!"

In a nutshell, a person who does well has an inner set of beliefs - something called a mindset that helps them to achieve anything they set their minds to!! It does not matter what tools you give them, they will hone those tools using their mindset!!

So when i discovered that the key to success was INTERNAL rather than external - - - and that it is the person not the tools that determines a person's level of success ---- i began to look forward to change --- i began to look forward to developing a PROSPEROUS MINDSET - - - - A MILLIONAIRE MINDSET!!!

Pat Mesiti describes mindset as the capacity for thinking - in his book: The Millioniare Mindset, he quotes William Arthur Ward who says ----

"Nothing limits achievement like small thinking
and nothing expands possibilities like unleashed thinking"

A millionaire mindset is not about the money - it is about increasing the capacity of your thinking

James Arthur Ray talks about M I N D S E T

Henry Ford said:

"Thinking is the hardest work there is to do,
which is why so few people do it"

Charles Handy said:

"new ways of thinking about familiar things
can release new energies and make all manner of things possible"

Charles Simmons said:

“when things aren’t working right on the inside,

when our thinking and our feelings are wrong,

then we make it absolutely impossible for things to work correctly on the outside.”


Try these:
  • Read good books that renew & fill your mind up with POSITIVE THOUGHTS
  • Surround yourself with positive minded people
  • Set goals that challenge your mind
  • Commit yourself to your goals

"Your choice of people to associate with both personally & business-wise
is one of the most important choices you make.
if you associate with turkeys you will never fly with the eagles"
- - -Brian Tracy

Charles Kettering said:

"Believe & act as if it were impossible to fail"

Thats is in a nutshell


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