If u fail to PLAN, u Plan 2 FAIL

"If you don't design your own life plan
chances are you'll fall into someone else's plan.
and guess what they may have planned for you?
- Jim Rohn

Jack Canfield talks about PLANNING!!

Journals, Goals & Planners
8 years ago in 2001, my two big children came to live with me - they were 13 (daughter) & 11 (son) years old. A year later, my other son came to live with me - he was 10.

I began to consider what was important for me to teach my children - and of course i wanted them to have the tools, skills and attitudes necessary for them to be successful in their lives!! I wanted them to believe in themselves. I wanted them to not fear trying anything!! I wanted them to have full lives!!

So, i decided on journals, goals & planners!!

"Its about doing something different
to attract different results"

With Journals - I wanted them to keep a record of their 'lives' - i wanted them to record their ups and downs, their triumphs and trials - a record that they could reflect upon & use to evaluate their lives - a treasure to hand down to their children; a tool they could measure their growth & progress!

"You cant change your destination overnight
but you can change your direction"
--Jim Rohn

With Goals - i wanted to open up their minds, to expand their world and to plan for success. I wanted them to develop the skill to design their blueprint for success - and goals is one way of doing that!

"Plan your work and work your plan. Decide in advance
exactly how you are going to get from where you are to
where you want to go."
-- Brian Tracy

With Planners - i wanted them to have a tool to manage their goals, aspirations, dreams & blueprints. Planners serve as a method for planning, scheduling & evaluation of your goals - thats it in a NUTSHELL!!


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