Its about ATTRACTING different RESULTS

It was Michelangelo who said:

"The greater danger for most of us
is not that our aim is too high and we miss it
but that it is too low
and we reach it!"

: a great year but something was missing

My cousin sends me a copy of the SECRET - yep the SECRET - absolutely amazing!! If you havent already watched the DVD, it is a must - it helped me to appreciate how to change my mindset and look at my life differently! This is where i first took notice of Jack Canfield of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series of books.

His story was amazing, one which i began to reflect upon as i contemplated 'jumping off the edge'!!

Anyway... back to October 2006

I began to watch the SECRET on a regular basis - daily. I gave copies to all my friends and encouraged them to watch it - which they did - they all appreciated it!!

I wrote many of the quotes that i enjoyed onto coloured cards and posted them all over the house!!

The SECRET and many other resources that i was devouring was responsible for helping me to change and improve my mindset


What else did i do?
I read Anthony Robbins, Pat Mesiti, Denis Waitley, Covey, Kiyosaki and many others. The lesson i learnt from the secret was gratitude - so, daily power questions became a feature of my life(I got that from Robbins!!)

Did anything change? i am not sure - but one thing changed - ME - i changed the way i looked at my life, my day, & everything i did!! - I changed --- from the inside-out!! thats it, in a NUTSHELL!!

That was 2 years ago!! And life couldnt be better!!


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