One IMAGE - - - One GOAL

Vision is perhaps our greatest strength...
it has kept us alive to the power and continuity of thoughts
through the centuries,
it makes us peer into the future and lends shape to the unknown
- - Li Ka Shing

Where there is no vision

there is no hope
- - George Washington Carver

"Visualisation - - is the act of creating compelling or vivid images in your mind"
- - Jack Canfield

Here we go: i have a couple of vision boards on my walls - -one is a compilation of my most important goals: spiritual, physical, financial, family, education & professional, social & community, fun & personal growth.

The other is a more detailed breakdown of my financial goals

It was a lot of fun putting both of them together. I did my first ones the old fashion way with pictures and images cut from magazines which represented my goals. These i glued onto a large A2 & A1 piece of paper.

Then i got adventurous and created a brand new one of all my important goals using Photoshop - and it is very kool!!

Why vision boards?
Denis Waitley said, when talking about Olympic athletes, "if you go there in the mind, you go there in the body!"

Legendary golfer Jack Nicklaus said that he visualises a shot in three distinct phases:
- - first: - - he visualises the spot where he wants the ball to land - the end in mind
- - second: - - he visualises the ball's path - - how its going to get there
- - third: - - he visualises the swing he is going to make

"I never hit a shot, not even in practice,
without having a very sharp, in-focus picture of it in my head.
First i see where i want it to finish,
nice and white and sitting high on the bright green grass.
Then the scene quickly changes,
and i see the ball going there:
its path, trajectory, and shape, even its behaviour on landing.
there's sort of a fade-out,
and the next scene shows me
making the kind of swing
that will turn the previous images into reality"
- - Jack Nicklaus

Last night, my kids and i reviewed our goals. In this session we had a yarn about VISION, about the images that we hold in our heads, and about projecting ourselves forward in ways that will help us create a reality for the images and visions we have in our minds.

We reviewed last week's efforts and by their reckoning, they rated themselves from a 3-6/10. So we talked about how we could clarify our goals in more specific terms, set out a list of activities that we could focus on, and do something everyday to move towards our goals

It was Brian Tracy who said:

"If you raise your children
to feel that they can accomplish any goal
or task they decide upon
you will have succeeded as a parent
and you will have given your children
the greatest of all blessings"

Mauri ora
Urban Rat

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