Commitment - - - Never give up!!

My father taught me that:

"Integrity is the value you place on your word -
- in other words, when you say you are going to do something,
- when you PROMISE to DO SOMETHING - - - DO IT! - - -"

Anthony Robbins in one of his many interviews describes RESOLVE as:

"a PROMISE to YOURSELF that you will
- - - NEVER GIVE UP!! - - - "

Vince Lombardi describes the quality of a person's life as being in direct proportion:

"... to their commitment to excellence,
regardless of their chosen field of endeavour"

Pat Mesiti describes Commitment as part of FOCUS:

"prioritise what you need to do
make a plan to get it done
be accountable &
commit to your plan!!"

the END in MIND
Stephen Covey, in 7 Habits -- relates the story of the JAR - - - you know the one:

A professor stands before his class and whips out a large JAR and places it on the table in front of him. The he pulls out a bag with rocks in it and begins to fill up the jar. When it is full, he asks his students --

- - "is the jar full???"

They reply - - - "YES!!"

Then he pulls out a bag containing small pebbles and begins to fill the jar up. He shakes the jar as he fills it with pebbles, the pebbles fill up the gaps between the large rocks

Again he asks: - - - "is the jar full?"

The students reply - - - "YES!!!!"

Again, the professor whips out ANOTHER BAG, this time with sand in it. He proceeds to fill the JAR up with the sand, the sand finds its way into the gaps until the jar is FULL

The professor again asks "IS THE JAR FULL???"

This time, the students reply "NO!!!"

The professor smiles and pulls out a bucket of water and proceeds to fill up the JAR!!

Then, he asks his students - - - "Is the JAR FULL???"

They reply - - -Y E S ! ! !
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

What's the moral?
If the jar had been filled first with the sand, there would be no room for the rocks or pebbles or even the water - so, the moral of the story??

"FIRST - -do the things that matter most,
there will always be room for everything else!!"

In a nutshell,

  • - - - develop faith & trust in your WORD - from the INSIDE- OUT!
  • - - - determine what your DESTINATION is - begin with the END in MIND!
  • - - - figure out what your PRIORITIES are - focus on LARGE ROCKS!!
  • - - - change your DIRECTION to reflect your destination - take AIM at your TARGET!
  • - - - map out a PLAN to get you to where you want to be - your BLUE-PRINT!
  • - - - COMMIT to your plan - your RESOLVE & your PROMISE!
"Dont let the things that matter most,
become subject to the things that matter least"

Mauri ora
- - Hauiti - -

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