- - - it was ROOSEVELT who said:

"All the resources we need are in the mind"

- - - in other words,

you will find all the IDEAS you need to COMPLETE any TASK to SOLVE any PROBLEM and to ACHIEVE any GOAL

- - - so, What has INTUITION to do with this?
- - - in fact, What is INTUITION?

Well, intuition - is your INNER VOICE, it is those GUT FEELINGS you get inside

it can help you to SOLVE PROBLEMS quickly
it can unleash the CREATIVE GENIUS within you

- - - it can help you to ACHIEVE anything you PUT YOUR MIND TO !!

- - - EINSTEIN said:

"the intellect has little to do on the road to discovery.
There comes a leap in consciousness,
call it intuition or whatever you will,
& the solution comes to you,
& you don't know how or why"

- - - so, How does your INTUITION speak to you?

lots of ways!!

  • a vision - a dream
  • a visual image or impression
  • a flash out of the blue - a spurt of inspiration
  • or a long-unfolding image - much like a movie unfolding!!
  • it could be a hunch,
  • a thought or impression pops into your head
  • or a voice speaks to you
- - -you can sense when the answer is ---- Y E S ! !----

- - - You get goose bumps,
- - - a Feeling of warmth washes over you
- - - you Feel a sense of relief
- - - the Light bulb in your head goes off --- and just lights up your world!!!
- - - you get a sense of Clarity
- - - you get RE- Energised!!
- - - you get full of Enthusiasm!!
- - - your Passion & Excitement is increased!!

so, take time to 'listen' to your Intuition & take action immediately!!

When you act, y0u will receive more intuitive impulses

Trust yourself & go with the flow

Mauri ora
Urban Rat

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