The Oracle & the Bird
There is an old story told about Oracles in the ancient world. Oracles were regarded as receptacles of knowledge and were also known not to lie. Two young men though concocted a plan to make the oracle lie - and this is how they were going to do it.

They were going to go into the bush, capture a bird - live. Then they were going to take it with them to the Oracle, and with the bird in hand they would ask him two questions, the first "Oracle, what have we got in our hands?" of course the Oracle would reply "Its a bird"

Then they were ask the second "Is it dead or alive? Now, if the Oracle said "it is alive" they would simply crush it dead, but if he said "it is dead" they would open their hands and let the bird fly off!!

They really thought they had the Oracle trapped!!

So off they trotted to the bush, caught a bird and took it before the Oracle

They Asked "Oracle, what have we got in our hands?"

The Oracle replied "It is a bird"

With a smug smile they asked "Is it dead or alive?"

The wise old Oracle looked down at the two young men and smiled before giving his answer

"It is entirely in your hands!!"

I love a good story, and this one has been a staple of mine ever since i read it many years ago!!
So what has this got to do with 2 Interesting Sites?

2 Interesting Sites

I found 2 Interesting Sites yesterday that piqued my interest - - - why? Because they both got to the point without all the BS that accompanies a lot of landing sites!!

How did i stumble upon them?
Yesterday I was sitting in my chair, at my desk thinking. . . “hmmmmm, i need to find ways of being able to find money”. So, i dropped into google and typed in the phrase "How to make money online". A couple of sites caught my eye: My Debt Free Goal & The Niche Blogger - Author & owner Amy Bass!

Why did i find these 2 sites interesting?
Quite simply - - it was the fresh approach - - landing sites with information that was very easy to follow!

The first interesting site: My Debt Free Goal what a title!! followed by: My goal to pay off $72,900 in two years by making money online!! That now grabbed my attention!! I browsed through the blog and flicked over the headlines of some of the articles:- how to reach your financial goal, Blogging to earn money & My Debt Free goal. I even read a few and I was inspired by her honesty and the integrity of her approach to her writing!

Then I came across the second Interesting Site The Niche Blogger featuring a step-by-step guide to making money online – the Amy Bass way!

By way of introduction, Amy Bass is a stay-home Mom with 4 little kids that had some debt she wanted to get rid of – and decided that she wanted to do this online. After some success with online marketing (reducing her debt from $72,900 to $22,465.59!!) she launched her own program – the how to or rather, how she did it!

By the way she doesn’t have a college degree, she has no formal training & she is not a get-rich-quick overnight internet millionaire BUT she does claim to have built her own passive online income to well over $5000 a month in the past year

So, is it worth a look?
Well, this is what she claims:
The Niche Blogger guide is in a blog format and covers EVERYTHING you need to do to build your own passive income with Niche Blogs.

She shows you how to conquer Wordpress and choose niches and products that will bring you in money hand over fist.

If you are struggling to make your first dollars online then she shows you how she did it

She provides a business plan that will give you purpose and direction

And all this for $12.95 per month

Is there a money back guarantee?
I didn’t find one – that’s interesting!!

Who is this program for?
This guide is for the beginner, maybe a stay at home mom or an unemployed average Joe or perhaps even home-schoolers & teenagers?? (I must introduce my kids to this!!)

So for $12.95? I say “why not”

What have these 2 Interesting Sites got to do with the story of the Oracle?

Well, as with any program - "your success is entirely in your hands!"

Hei kona

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