Wellness: the Liver Cleanse Program - Day 1

This is day 1 of the actual program i.e I have started taking the herbal pills!

After 8 days of quite good preparation, I am ready – so I decided to do the 10-day program. This consists of 4x4 pills in the morning & in the evening for the next 10 days accompanied with a strict eating regime consisting of fresh veges, soups, smoothies and fresh fruit plus a couple litres of water each day!!

I weighed in at 95.6kg this morning

Down from 99.9kg on day 1 of the preparation stage 8 days ago on the 8 of September

My food for the preparation stage consisted of:

Smoothies for breakfast

o Protein powder

o Prunes

o Soy milk

o Unsweetened natural yoghurt

o Frozen beries

During the day

o Citrus fruits

o Apples

o Pears

o Fruit salad with yoghurt & protein powder

At Night

o combinations including kumara, pumpkin, spinach, swede

o sometimes I would top that off with a power drink (soy milk & protein powder) or fruit salad with yoghurt

So, over 8 days I dropped from 99.9kg to 95.6kg that’s 4.3kg in 8 days!!

I go to the gym everyday: I am following the Peter Sisco 30-day program, with cardio/ab/lowerback/stretching on alternative days

So, day one is done!!

Mauri ora!!

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