Mini-FUNNEL websites

Mini-Funnel websites a smart idea by MAKI!!

Mini-sites are created to provide answers to specific questions - the goal is to funnel traffic to your landing sites or home base where your site will provide a clear explanation on the specific topic.

Thus the strategy is quite clear: Create a mini-website for with the express purpose of answering specific search queries or to deal with specific topics - then to use them to generate leads or send traffic to your home site!!

Smart idea!!
Maki provides some elements to make mini-sites rock!

  1. Keep it clear and simple by dealing with a single-issue.
  2. Reference-friendly - cover the issue in full - use original content & external links
  3. Novelty/Simplicity - you can eat an elephant if you eat it one bit at a time!! . - a single-page website is easy to digest
  4. Viral components - encourage people to spread the word!! - by providing sharing options like an email-a-friend feature or link-to-me banners.
  5. Sell elsewhere - quite simply - the funnel-site is not the place to make money!

Smart thinking - i must implement this!!


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