I just invested in Market Samurai!! - thats the program used during Ed Dale's 30-day-challenge!

What is the 30-Day-Challenge?
In a nutshell: In 30 days Ed Dale & his team show you exactly how to start your own Internet business and generate your first income online without spending a dime.

So, back to the Market Samurai
If you EVER have any interest in ever doing any:
  • Keyword Research,
  • Search Engine Optimization,
  • Publishing Content Online,
  • Link Building,
  • Affiliate Marketing,
  • Virtual Real Estate,
  • Adsense, or
  • Google Adwords

Then this is the software for you!!

Market Samurai was released into the market (into the 30-day-challenge) on August 2, yep its just over month old!!

Does it work?
Well, it was put to the test during the 30-day-challenge:
  1. It needed to produce fast results for the 30-day-challenge
  2. It needed to be simple enough for 30-day-challengers, some who have had little or absolutely no experience, to use & to produce results - in 30 DAYS
  3. It needed to be streamlined, cut-2-the-chase practical to produce results with very little work involved!!
So how did it do?
Market Samurai shattered all previous 30-day challenge records!
  • The fastest recorded sale ever - less than 1 day!
  • The fastest recorded number 1 ranking in GOOGLE - less than 30 minutes!
  • Most Front Page Google rankings ever!
  • & The highest % of Front-Page Rankings in Google ever - currently over 28% of all 30DC sites!
Not bad eh!!

So how come people were successful with Market Samurai?
  • Well, in the first place it cuts down wasted-time on activities that don't create results - allowing you to get on with what matters!
  • it tells you exactly what you need to do next
  • and it helps to complete critical marketing tasks quicker, easier, more efficiently and allows you achieve results
In a nutshell - it will tell you:
  • What markets are worth targeting;
  • What markets are worth avoiding;
  • Which keywords you should focus on for fast results;
  • Which keywords should be avoided;
  • Which markets have weak competition;
  • Which markets show impossible levels of competition;
  • What are the chances of achieving front-page rankings for a keyword;
  • What topics you should write articles on for your web-site;
  • Where to find quality backlinks;
  • How many backlinks you need;
  • What quality backlinks you need;
  • How to determine the quality of a page for a backlink;
  • and then some!!
Is it worth a look?
Yup Market Samurai is worth a look!!

Mauri ora

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