Visual Goal Chart

Mauri ora!!

I was playing around with my 'planner' last week thinking . . . mmmm . . i need a visual chart to help keep my self in check - & to help my kids visualise the process of setting goals. So i created a document, then a PDF and finally an image to load up on this BLOG - so here it is - - - My first attempt at creating a Visual GOAL Chart for Setting GOALS: in a nutshell!!

- - - VISUAL GOAL CHART 101 - - -

This is the sequence in a nutshell:-

ask yourself this question:It all starts with a DREAM session:-
What would you like to achieve? Do? Be?

You've heard of SMART goals?
Well try the M.A.S.T.E.R. goals

M = Measurable
A = Achievable
S = Specific
T = time-based
E = Exciting
R = Realistic

get yourself a GOAL BOOK
Write your GOALS out in DETAIL

READ your goals every day - 3 times!!

identify your BREAKTHROUGH G O A L S
these are the GOALS
that will have the largest impact on your life!!!

Set out a PLAN of ACTION to progress each GOAL
- this is the HOW you are going to reach your DESTINATION

Each night
- set out a list of things to do for the next day
- that will move you closer to your goals!

WHERE can you find HELP?
Identify what Resources
or who is going to help you reach your goals!

- - - ->Coach - - --- --- >Books ------ -- - -> Mentor ----- ---- - - >Internet

Create AFFIRMATIONS for each of your goals
Write them on 3x5" cards & carry them around with you!

READ your affirmations each day!

VISUALISE your goals

Create a GOAL BOOK with images of your GOALS

Create a VISION BOARD with IMAGES of your GOALS

Take ACTION ! !

- - START - get going on your goals!!
this is the READY stage

- - - FIRE - - -
- just fire & adjust your aim later!

- - - AIM - -
- adjust your sights then take another shot !
- just get going & keep going!

- - REWARD yourself for each success!!

- -Now
REVIEW your progress frequently!!

Naaku noa

- - Journey of a 1000 Books - -

I set a goal at the beginning of the year to read a 1000 inspirational & motivational books!

As part of my my quarterly goals which I set out last weekend I set a goal to read a couple of Inspirational books and a couple of Biographies of Nobel Prize winners as well as the Old Testatment.

Well a couple of days ago i picked up “The Winner Within” By Pat Riley who was coach of the LA Lakers basketball team – awesome read!!

This book is about team-work and concentrates on developing a ‘winning team’. You dont have to be a basketball fan to benefit from this book because teamwork is essential in business, sports & personal development. Riley suggests that teamwork is the key to success in life & not just in sports!

Its an easy read with lots of examples taken from his coaching experience & his life time – i especially like the example of the Vietnam veterans story of re-claiming their place in American society – & i am not American – but it was a wonderful story.

Pick it up – you wont regret it


Inspiration is contagious!

There is something about inspirational & positive thoughts that touch the heart & inspire the soul - they seem to generate a feeling of euphoria & and sense of well-being that go a long way to helping you reach higher!!

Dr Norman Vincent Peale, regarded as the champion of Positive Thinking said that "People become really quite remarkable when they start thinking that they can do things. When they believe in themselves they have the first secret of success."

Dr Robert Anthony & many others have stated that if you "Act as if you have already achieved your goal [then] it is yours."

Charles Kettering said "Believe & act as if it were impossible to fail"

Rich De Vos of AMWAY fame said “The only thing that stands between a man and what he wants from life is often merely the will to try it and the faith to believe that it is possible."

Add to that: "You have to believe in yourself. And you have to, down deep within the bottom of your soul, feel that you can do the job that you've set out to do." from William Castle DeVries

Affirmations really are part of the key to developing a success consciousness - you must believe in yourself!! To help you do that you must fill your mind with positive & affirming thoughts - and you must read them everyday, at every opportunity - after all: "You are what you think about all day long." - Dr. Robert Schuller

Mauri ora

Mini-FUNNEL websites

Mini-Funnel websites a smart idea by MAKI!!

Mini-sites are created to provide answers to specific questions - the goal is to funnel traffic to your landing sites or home base where your site will provide a clear explanation on the specific topic.

Thus the strategy is quite clear: Create a mini-website for with the express purpose of answering specific search queries or to deal with specific topics - then to use them to generate leads or send traffic to your home site!!

Smart idea!!
Maki provides some elements to make mini-sites rock!

  1. Keep it clear and simple by dealing with a single-issue.
  2. Reference-friendly - cover the issue in full - use original content & external links
  3. Novelty/Simplicity - you can eat an elephant if you eat it one bit at a time!! . - a single-page website is easy to digest
  4. Viral components - encourage people to spread the word!! - by providing sharing options like an email-a-friend feature or link-to-me banners.
  5. Sell elsewhere - quite simply - the funnel-site is not the place to make money!

Smart thinking - i must implement this!!



I just invested in Market Samurai!! - thats the program used during Ed Dale's 30-day-challenge!

What is the 30-Day-Challenge?
In a nutshell: In 30 days Ed Dale & his team show you exactly how to start your own Internet business and generate your first income online without spending a dime.

So, back to the Market Samurai
If you EVER have any interest in ever doing any:
  • Keyword Research,
  • Search Engine Optimization,
  • Publishing Content Online,
  • Link Building,
  • Affiliate Marketing,
  • Virtual Real Estate,
  • Adsense, or
  • Google Adwords

Then this is the software for you!!

Market Samurai was released into the market (into the 30-day-challenge) on August 2, yep its just over month old!!

Does it work?
Well, it was put to the test during the 30-day-challenge:
  1. It needed to produce fast results for the 30-day-challenge
  2. It needed to be simple enough for 30-day-challengers, some who have had little or absolutely no experience, to use & to produce results - in 30 DAYS
  3. It needed to be streamlined, cut-2-the-chase practical to produce results with very little work involved!!
So how did it do?
Market Samurai shattered all previous 30-day challenge records!
  • The fastest recorded sale ever - less than 1 day!
  • The fastest recorded number 1 ranking in GOOGLE - less than 30 minutes!
  • Most Front Page Google rankings ever!
  • & The highest % of Front-Page Rankings in Google ever - currently over 28% of all 30DC sites!
Not bad eh!!

So how come people were successful with Market Samurai?
  • Well, in the first place it cuts down wasted-time on activities that don't create results - allowing you to get on with what matters!
  • it tells you exactly what you need to do next
  • and it helps to complete critical marketing tasks quicker, easier, more efficiently and allows you achieve results
In a nutshell - it will tell you:
  • What markets are worth targeting;
  • What markets are worth avoiding;
  • Which keywords you should focus on for fast results;
  • Which keywords should be avoided;
  • Which markets have weak competition;
  • Which markets show impossible levels of competition;
  • What are the chances of achieving front-page rankings for a keyword;
  • What topics you should write articles on for your web-site;
  • Where to find quality backlinks;
  • How many backlinks you need;
  • What quality backlinks you need;
  • How to determine the quality of a page for a backlink;
  • and then some!!
Is it worth a look?
Yup Market Samurai is worth a look!!

Mauri ora

Wellness: the Liver Cleanse Program - Day 1

This is day 1 of the actual program i.e I have started taking the herbal pills!

After 8 days of quite good preparation, I am ready – so I decided to do the 10-day program. This consists of 4x4 pills in the morning & in the evening for the next 10 days accompanied with a strict eating regime consisting of fresh veges, soups, smoothies and fresh fruit plus a couple litres of water each day!!

I weighed in at 95.6kg this morning

Down from 99.9kg on day 1 of the preparation stage 8 days ago on the 8 of September

My food for the preparation stage consisted of:

Smoothies for breakfast

o Protein powder

o Prunes

o Soy milk

o Unsweetened natural yoghurt

o Frozen beries

During the day

o Citrus fruits

o Apples

o Pears

o Fruit salad with yoghurt & protein powder

At Night

o combinations including kumara, pumpkin, spinach, swede

o sometimes I would top that off with a power drink (soy milk & protein powder) or fruit salad with yoghurt

So, over 8 days I dropped from 99.9kg to 95.6kg that’s 4.3kg in 8 days!!

I go to the gym everyday: I am following the Peter Sisco 30-day program, with cardio/ab/lowerback/stretching on alternative days

So, day one is done!!

Mauri ora!!


The Oracle & the Bird
There is an old story told about Oracles in the ancient world. Oracles were regarded as receptacles of knowledge and were also known not to lie. Two young men though concocted a plan to make the oracle lie - and this is how they were going to do it.

They were going to go into the bush, capture a bird - live. Then they were going to take it with them to the Oracle, and with the bird in hand they would ask him two questions, the first "Oracle, what have we got in our hands?" of course the Oracle would reply "Its a bird"

Then they were ask the second "Is it dead or alive? Now, if the Oracle said "it is alive" they would simply crush it dead, but if he said "it is dead" they would open their hands and let the bird fly off!!

They really thought they had the Oracle trapped!!

So off they trotted to the bush, caught a bird and took it before the Oracle

They Asked "Oracle, what have we got in our hands?"

The Oracle replied "It is a bird"

With a smug smile they asked "Is it dead or alive?"

The wise old Oracle looked down at the two young men and smiled before giving his answer

"It is entirely in your hands!!"

I love a good story, and this one has been a staple of mine ever since i read it many years ago!!
So what has this got to do with 2 Interesting Sites?

2 Interesting Sites

I found 2 Interesting Sites yesterday that piqued my interest - - - why? Because they both got to the point without all the BS that accompanies a lot of landing sites!!

How did i stumble upon them?
Yesterday I was sitting in my chair, at my desk thinking. . . “hmmmmm, i need to find ways of being able to find money”. So, i dropped into google and typed in the phrase "How to make money online". A couple of sites caught my eye: My Debt Free Goal & The Niche Blogger - Author & owner Amy Bass!

Why did i find these 2 sites interesting?
Quite simply - - it was the fresh approach - - landing sites with information that was very easy to follow!

The first interesting site: My Debt Free Goal what a title!! followed by: My goal to pay off $72,900 in two years by making money online!! That now grabbed my attention!! I browsed through the blog and flicked over the headlines of some of the articles:- how to reach your financial goal, Blogging to earn money & My Debt Free goal. I even read a few and I was inspired by her honesty and the integrity of her approach to her writing!

Then I came across the second Interesting Site The Niche Blogger featuring a step-by-step guide to making money online – the Amy Bass way!

By way of introduction, Amy Bass is a stay-home Mom with 4 little kids that had some debt she wanted to get rid of – and decided that she wanted to do this online. After some success with online marketing (reducing her debt from $72,900 to $22,465.59!!) she launched her own program – the how to or rather, how she did it!

By the way she doesn’t have a college degree, she has no formal training & she is not a get-rich-quick overnight internet millionaire BUT she does claim to have built her own passive online income to well over $5000 a month in the past year

So, is it worth a look?
Well, this is what she claims:
The Niche Blogger guide is in a blog format and covers EVERYTHING you need to do to build your own passive income with Niche Blogs.

She shows you how to conquer Wordpress and choose niches and products that will bring you in money hand over fist.

If you are struggling to make your first dollars online then she shows you how she did it

She provides a business plan that will give you purpose and direction

And all this for $12.95 per month

Is there a money back guarantee?
I didn’t find one – that’s interesting!!

Who is this program for?
This guide is for the beginner, maybe a stay at home mom or an unemployed average Joe or perhaps even home-schoolers & teenagers?? (I must introduce my kids to this!!)

So for $12.95? I say “why not”

What have these 2 Interesting Sites got to do with the story of the Oracle?

Well, as with any program - "your success is entirely in your hands!"

Hei kona

- - my WEALTH program - -

My Wealth Program
I was down at the Esplanade having breakfast the other morning & reading from Jack Canfield's book:

The Success Principles:
how to get from where you are to where you want to be

Great read!!

In particular, the chapter entitled: You get what you focus on

Dr John Demartini said

"you must seek wealth for it to seek you"

You get what you focus on
Whether it is a new job, building a new business, acquiring money, wealth & a rich lifestyle

Canfield says that you must decide to be wealthy - to be wealthy is a decision that each person must make! The thought occurred to me:

- do you have to know what wealthy means?

- & do you have to know how to acquire wealth?

NO you dont! You dont have to worry about HOW you are going to become wealthy

According to Canfield (See the Secret)
- first you need to DECIDE what you want
- then you need to BELIEVE that it is possible
- you need to recognise that you DESERVE it
- then you FOCUS on it by thinking about it and VISUALISING that you already have it
- Finally, you need to pay the price to get it - disciplined EFFORT and PERSEVERANCE over time

NEXT: decide what wealthy means to you

Jamie MacIntyre helped me with this - he wrote an interesting book called:

What i didnt learn at school
but wish i had

Chapter 10 in particular is refers to establishing your financial goals. He begins by asking the question:- What is the true measure of wealth? He provides this as the answer:-

It is how many days from now you can continue to live
without the need to work!

Then he provides a way for you to figure out how to make your Personal Financial Dreams a reality!!

He discusses FIVE levels of FINANCIAL WELL_BEING to help clarify what financial dreams are important for you to achieve.

- - - the 5 LEVELS of a FINANCIAL PLAN - - -
  1. Financial Protection
  2. Financial Security
  3. Financial Independence
  4. Financial Freedom
  5. Absolute Financial Freedom
After you define your Financial Goals:- short-term (3-36 months), Intermediate (3-10 years) & long-term (10+ years) then you can figure out what level of Financial Well-being you need to support your Financial Goals

First Level: Financial Protection
This is your liquid assets - this is the amount of money you need to cover your current monthly overheads: - for example
  • Mortgage/rent
  • Power
  • Transportation costs
  • Food
  • Insurance and so on
Notice that it does not cover you credit card of debt repayments -- it is simply the amount of money you need to cover the basics & to survive financially for each month - then you DECIDE how many months of protection you want.

My financial protection plan
My monthly overheads:- - - $3000 (approx)
I decided that i wanted 6 months protection == $18,000

So, i need to put aside $18,000 to complete the first level in my Financial Plan

Second Level: Financial Security
This is the amount of money you will need to be independent of the basic necessities such as food, clothes & transport i.e Your Financial Protection figure

Thus, $Financial Security = $Financial Protection

So, if my $Financial Protection = $3000 per month
Then, for 12 months of security i need $36,000

So the Annual income i need from investments to achieve Financial Security FOR LIFE = $36,000

Third Level: Financial Independence

This is the amount of money you need to be Independent from work!

Financial independence is achieved when your investments produce an income equal to your WORK INCOME

My Monthly Income = $5000
Over 12 months = $ 60,000

So, my goal is to produce $60,000 per annum from investments to achieve Financial Independence

Fourth Level: Financial Freedom
This level of income is about LIFESTYLE - this is the amount of money you require to live in the lifestyle you desire:

So, besides your currently monthly income, you will need enough extra income to purchase the lifestyle, the 'other things' you would like to have but cannot currently afford!!

  • the hummer
  • the beach side property
  • the 35ft boat
  • the regular holidays in exotic locations
and the list goes on!!

Here is how i worked it out:
  1. Calculate the extra monthly income you need to buy the 'other things'
  2. Add that to the amount you need for Financial Independence
  3. This figure represents the monthly income you need for Financial Freedom
SO - for me

  1. Extra income i would like =$10,000
  2. Monthly income required to achieve Financial Independence = $5000 [see above]
  3. Monthly income required for Financial Freedom = $15,000
Over 12 months = 6 x $15,000 = $180, 000 to achieve FINANCIAL FREEDOM

Fifth Level: Absolute Financial Freedom

This occurs when your investments provide you with the means to do whatever you want, whenever you want, wherever you want, and with whom ever you want!!

To work this out:
  1. Create a list of all the things you would acquire if you were absolutely financial free & figure out how much this would cost you per month
  2. Add this to the monthly amount you need for Financial Independence
  3. Multiply the figure (monthly) in item 2 by 12 (annual)
For me:
  1. Total additional income required = $25,000
  2. Monthly Financial Independence figure = $5000
  3. Total Monthly amount required for ABSOLUTE FINANCIAL FREEDOM = $30,000
12 months x $30,000 = $360,000 per annum to achieve ABSOLUTE FINANCIAL FREEDOM!!!

Back to Canfield discusses the steps towards weatlh as:

Step one: determine your net worth

Step Two: Determine what you need to retire

Step Three: Become aware of what you are spending

Step Four: Become financially Literate

Canfield also refers the WEALTH QUADRANT
This model was developed by Lee Brower who refers to weatlh as assets categorised into four areas:
  • Human assets
  • Intellectual assets
  • Financial Assets
  • Civic assets
Your human assets are those assets that enrich you:- it comprises of family, character, values, health, happiness, well-being, ethics & morals, habits, & relationships

Intellectual assets includes all of your accumulated knowledge & experience:- wisdom, formal education, ideas, life experiences, reputation, skills & talents, alliances

Your financial assets is the accumulation of cash, stocks & bonds, retirement plans, businesses, real estate and so on

Finally, your civic assets is your contribution to taxes, charities & scholarships plus private foundations and perhaps research & development

Something to think about
Hei kona

- - Wellness program day 1 - -

Well, i have started my preparation period to launch into my liver cleanse!!

Monday 8: day 1 preparation
Weighed in this morning at 99.9kg
I begin to give up meat, wheat products & starchy carbohydrates!!!!
It was a tough day!!
Smoothies, fruit and fresh veges with lots of water all day!!


- - - WELL-ness & WEALTH - - -

Well-ness & Wealth

My well-ness program
Part of my well-ness program will include the liver cleanse regime for the next 20 odd days. Its a program that i used around 4 months ago with great results called: The Ultimate Cleanse:

Worth a look!!

The Ultimate Cleanse is a herbal cleansing program comprising 14 herbs including wormwood, cascara, psyllium, fennel, cayenne pepper & ginger. The Ultimate Cleanse improves digestive secretions, increases bowel transit time, and speeds up your metabolism - in fact, you will lose weight!!

I had Irritable Bowel Syndrome & it cleared that up!! It is also known to cure other common problems such as: acne, allergies, bloating, gout, headaches, obesity and high cholesterol!!

You are restricted to eating certain foods during the process: most vegetables and fruits, yoghurt, vegetable soups, fruit & vege salads, avocados, cold pressed oils, brown rice, herbal teas, natural spices and herbs !!

YUP it is hard going - but well worth it!!

There is a preparation stage of 3-5 days - this is to get your body & mind ready for the cleansing part. During this time, you change your dietary habits. The main thing to remember is to eliminate the starches (potatoes, bread), processed foods, and stick to the fresh fruits & veges and remember to drink alot of water!! Natural unsweetened yoghurt, juices, smoothies and soups are what you need!

OK - what can you eat?
  • All fresh fruit except bananas
  • Raw vegetables
  • home-made vege soup
  • home-made diluted fruit juice
  • unsweetened yoghurt
  • herbal teas
  • cayenne pepper
  • garlic & ginger
  • pure water
  • culinary herbs
The ideal kick-start is a half teaspoon of Epsom Salts in water twice daily during the 3 day preparation stage - then launch into it!!

There are several choices of programs depending on your health:

- - The 5-day Power Cleanse:- for those who are fit & healthy
- - There is the 10-day Deep Cleanse for the average healthy person, first timer or novice
- - Then there is the 25 day Gentle Cleanse for the elderly, unwell or chronically ill
- - And finally there is the 50-day Maintenance Cleanse to encourage regularity

Thats it - i cant wait to start!!


- - - T U R N a L E A F - - -

I feel like i have a spring in my step - i woke up this morning and actually felt very DIFFERENT!!

It was Eleanor Roosevelt who said:

"The future belongs to those
who believe in the beauty
of their dreams"

Well, today is just one of those days where everything has just "clicked" into place: my thinking, my enthusiasm & motivation, my energy levels & my desire to leap over the edge!

You remember the thought from Apollonaire, well this one is from Ray Bradbury:

"First you jump off the cliff
& you build your wings on the way down"

Now, this is the last month of the third quarter - and i am about to identify my major goals for the month. i know what you are thinking - and yes, i am late with my goals - it has been a very busy August which totally consumed my entire thinking and all my effort. But that is well within my stride now and it is time to move ahead!

I am thinking KIS - just keep them simple, keep them relevant, ensure they are breakthrough, detail how i am going to achieve them & then schedule my goals into my planner!

Simple = Clarity
Relevant = the goals will contribute to my overall annual plan
Breakthrough = these goals will have the most impact on my life!
Detail = break each goal down into manageable tasks
Schedule = timetable each task into my planner

"Everyone who got where they are
had to begin where they were"

- - Richard Paul Evans

Mauri ora

- - - - U N P A C K ur T H I N K I N G ! - - -

Mauri ora !
One of my favourite quotes has to be:

"Faith can move mountains
but dont be suprised if the lord gives you a shovel"


"The giant oak lies in the acorn
but first, you must have an acorn"

The acorn is the seed of an idea!! But first we need to UNPACK the THINKING behind the IDEA - then formulate a ROAD-MAP to get to where you want to be OR what you want to achieve!!

So, I have just had a quick trip over to Queenstown (the resort capital of New Zealand) to visit my cousin Johnny. The idea behind the visit was to U N P A C K my T H I N K I N G!!

For the past month odd i have been consumed with family responsibility. My father was admitted to Waikato Hospital (North Island of New Zealand) around the 29th July for a Bypass operation - complications occurred and he was admitted to Intensive Care Unit. 3 weeks later he was released into the ward for a week and is now (as i write) being transferred to Rotorua Hospital for further recovery.

What did i learn?

"It's good to have money and the things that money can buy,
but its good too, to make sure
you haven't lost the things money cant buy"
-- George Horace Lorimer

I learnt some very sage lessons: family are important and a passive income (along with good cash flow!!) is essential not only for lifestyle - but to allow you to focus on the things that are important without being too concerned with how to pay the bills and where your next meal is coming from!!

What now?
2am on the first day i was in Queenstown - my cousin helped me with UNPACKING my THINKING

First we had a look at his business plan: very simple, sound and exciting!! (He can tell you more about that!!)

Then he helped me to focus on first things:
  • Start the Tee Shirt line: instant Cashflow(within 7 days)
  • Position myself to start the 30 day challenge: Develop Skillset (Sept 1)
  • Assemble a 'team' of people to engage in the 30 day challenge: develop team skillsets & Dynamics (Sept 1)
  • Build a new company - focus on Cultural Mapping: short-term & long-term Cashflow and skill development (Sept 12th)
  • Use the skillset developed from the 30 day challenge to develop an income with the products and niches we have discovered!! (1 October)
What now?
"Faith without works is like a bird without wings;
you can peck around with the chickens on earth
but when it comes time to soar in heaven with the eagles
you are left found wanting"

I am not sure who is responsible for that quote - but it encapsulates what i need to do now -



"Dont wish it were easier
wish you were better"
- - Jim Rohn

That's it in a nutshell
Hei kona

9 DAYS ! ! !

Mauri ora!!
It has been 9 days since i left my last message on Twitter - 9 days!!

I have been bedside with my Dad who had an Aortic Bypass that resulted in massive bleeing. As a result he is in ICU (Intensive Care Unit)and is receiving the greatest of care to help with his recovery.

Anyway, it will be a long haul - perhaps another 6-12 weeks in ICU

I have learnt several important lessons
  1. Family are important - great for lifting the spirits and giving you a sense of belonging
  2. Passive income - a means to support yourselves at important times - LIKE THIS!!!
  3. FOCUS: i need to absolutely focus my attention on the things that matter!!
  4. Health & Well-being - i am not bullet proof - so, take care of yourselves!

I started up a new blog to keep my family from all around the world imformed about my Dad's progress:

Naaku noa



The 30 day challenge has B E G U N ! ! !

LESSON 1: this is what Ed Dale calls : the Symphony of 4 parts

  1. Market Research
  2. Traffic
  3. Conversion
  4. Product
Mauri Ora

One IMAGE - - - One GOAL

Vision is perhaps our greatest strength...
it has kept us alive to the power and continuity of thoughts
through the centuries,
it makes us peer into the future and lends shape to the unknown
- - Li Ka Shing

Where there is no vision

there is no hope
- - George Washington Carver

"Visualisation - - is the act of creating compelling or vivid images in your mind"
- - Jack Canfield

Here we go: i have a couple of vision boards on my walls - -one is a compilation of my most important goals: spiritual, physical, financial, family, education & professional, social & community, fun & personal growth.

The other is a more detailed breakdown of my financial goals

It was a lot of fun putting both of them together. I did my first ones the old fashion way with pictures and images cut from magazines which represented my goals. These i glued onto a large A2 & A1 piece of paper.

Then i got adventurous and created a brand new one of all my important goals using Photoshop - and it is very kool!!

Why vision boards?
Denis Waitley said, when talking about Olympic athletes, "if you go there in the mind, you go there in the body!"

Legendary golfer Jack Nicklaus said that he visualises a shot in three distinct phases:
- - first: - - he visualises the spot where he wants the ball to land - the end in mind
- - second: - - he visualises the ball's path - - how its going to get there
- - third: - - he visualises the swing he is going to make

"I never hit a shot, not even in practice,
without having a very sharp, in-focus picture of it in my head.
First i see where i want it to finish,
nice and white and sitting high on the bright green grass.
Then the scene quickly changes,
and i see the ball going there:
its path, trajectory, and shape, even its behaviour on landing.
there's sort of a fade-out,
and the next scene shows me
making the kind of swing
that will turn the previous images into reality"
- - Jack Nicklaus

Last night, my kids and i reviewed our goals. In this session we had a yarn about VISION, about the images that we hold in our heads, and about projecting ourselves forward in ways that will help us create a reality for the images and visions we have in our minds.

We reviewed last week's efforts and by their reckoning, they rated themselves from a 3-6/10. So we talked about how we could clarify our goals in more specific terms, set out a list of activities that we could focus on, and do something everyday to move towards our goals

It was Brian Tracy who said:

"If you raise your children
to feel that they can accomplish any goal
or task they decide upon
you will have succeeded as a parent
and you will have given your children
the greatest of all blessings"

Mauri ora
Urban Rat

B R E A K T H R O U G H - - - ! !

"Success is what you attract
by the person you become!!"
- - Jim Rohn

My kids & i have been setting goals together for about 8 0r 9 years now - we do this on a regular basis - usually on a Sunday evening - and every year i try a new approach, in fact every week i try a new approach - over the years i have wondered whether i have done the right things by my children - - its not often that i see the fruits of all the labour that goes into raising kids.

I cant remember who said this, but i quite like it:

" Giant oaks grow from small acorns
but first you must have an acorn"

It was important that my kids had dreams!
Sometimes i see a small measure of success - and sometimes i see them grow in 'leaps & bounds'.
and when that happens - it is all worthwhile!!

Over the years we have used different methods for recording our goals - we started out using the back of our journals, then i made out a weekly goal sheet, then a goal book, then a SMART planning book, and now we use a M.A.S.T.E.R. planning book!! (I will explain M.AS.T.E.R. Planner in a following post)

Anyway, last Sunday i tried this with my kids:

I got them to set out their 'objectives' for the next 10 days (up to the end of the month) - then i said to them:

"which one of your goals
would have the most positive impact on your life
if you were to accomplish it?"

They hummed and they harred.
It took a while for them to settle on the most important goal on their list - and once they did - then i asked them another question:

"What 10 things do you have to do,
between now and the end of the month
to accomplish your goal?"

Eventually they set out their list of things to do to accomplish their goals - then i followed up with:

"everyday, i want you to do one thing from your list
that will help you move closer to your goal"

As i write this it is Saturday the 26 - tomorrow i will check in with my kids to see how they are progressing!!

These types of goals are what Jack Canfield calls BREAKTHROUGH GOALS - the type of goals that are going to change your lives significantly - the type of goals that are going to increase your comfort zone, stretch you and change the shape of your thinking!!

"Life is like a combination lock
your job is to find the right numbers
in the right order
so you can have anything you want"
- - Brian Tracy

Mauri ora!
Urban Rat

Exercise for your M I N D ! !

- - - The legendary underwater explorer Jacques-Ives Cousteau said:

"If a man for whatever reason has the opportunity
to lead an extraordinary life,
he has no right to keep it to himself"

- - - Thomas Edison said:

"If we all did the things we are capable of doing,
we would literally astound ourselves!!!

so, here is the first question to Ponder
--- Jim Cuthbert said:

"How would the person i'd like to be
do the things i'm about to do?"

Nice one!!

Ponder these Questions:

- - - "What would you do if you knew you could not fail?"

- - - "If you could do anything at all, in your life - what would that be??"

- - - "Are you willing to do what it takes to get what you want??"

- - - "What can you do today that will take you closer to your goals??"


- - - "Are your goals worthy of you???"

"Successful people are simply those
with successful habits"

- - Brian Tracy

Mauri ora
Urban Rat


- - - it was ROOSEVELT who said:

"All the resources we need are in the mind"

- - - in other words,

you will find all the IDEAS you need to COMPLETE any TASK to SOLVE any PROBLEM and to ACHIEVE any GOAL

- - - so, What has INTUITION to do with this?
- - - in fact, What is INTUITION?

Well, intuition - is your INNER VOICE, it is those GUT FEELINGS you get inside

it can help you to SOLVE PROBLEMS quickly
it can unleash the CREATIVE GENIUS within you

- - - it can help you to ACHIEVE anything you PUT YOUR MIND TO !!

- - - EINSTEIN said:

"the intellect has little to do on the road to discovery.
There comes a leap in consciousness,
call it intuition or whatever you will,
& the solution comes to you,
& you don't know how or why"

- - - so, How does your INTUITION speak to you?

lots of ways!!

  • a vision - a dream
  • a visual image or impression
  • a flash out of the blue - a spurt of inspiration
  • or a long-unfolding image - much like a movie unfolding!!
  • it could be a hunch,
  • a thought or impression pops into your head
  • or a voice speaks to you
- - -you can sense when the answer is ---- Y E S ! !----

- - - You get goose bumps,
- - - a Feeling of warmth washes over you
- - - you Feel a sense of relief
- - - the Light bulb in your head goes off --- and just lights up your world!!!
- - - you get a sense of Clarity
- - - you get RE- Energised!!
- - - you get full of Enthusiasm!!
- - - your Passion & Excitement is increased!!

so, take time to 'listen' to your Intuition & take action immediately!!

When you act, y0u will receive more intuitive impulses

Trust yourself & go with the flow

Mauri ora
Urban Rat

Commitment - - - Never give up!!

My father taught me that:

"Integrity is the value you place on your word -
- in other words, when you say you are going to do something,
- when you PROMISE to DO SOMETHING - - - DO IT! - - -"

Anthony Robbins in one of his many interviews describes RESOLVE as:

"a PROMISE to YOURSELF that you will
- - - NEVER GIVE UP!! - - - "

Vince Lombardi describes the quality of a person's life as being in direct proportion:

"... to their commitment to excellence,
regardless of their chosen field of endeavour"

Pat Mesiti describes Commitment as part of FOCUS:

"prioritise what you need to do
make a plan to get it done
be accountable &
commit to your plan!!"

the END in MIND
Stephen Covey, in 7 Habits -- relates the story of the JAR - - - you know the one:

A professor stands before his class and whips out a large JAR and places it on the table in front of him. The he pulls out a bag with rocks in it and begins to fill up the jar. When it is full, he asks his students --

- - "is the jar full???"

They reply - - - "YES!!"

Then he pulls out a bag containing small pebbles and begins to fill the jar up. He shakes the jar as he fills it with pebbles, the pebbles fill up the gaps between the large rocks

Again he asks: - - - "is the jar full?"

The students reply - - - "YES!!!!"

Again, the professor whips out ANOTHER BAG, this time with sand in it. He proceeds to fill the JAR up with the sand, the sand finds its way into the gaps until the jar is FULL

The professor again asks "IS THE JAR FULL???"

This time, the students reply "NO!!!"

The professor smiles and pulls out a bucket of water and proceeds to fill up the JAR!!

Then, he asks his students - - - "Is the JAR FULL???"

They reply - - -Y E S ! ! !
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

What's the moral?
If the jar had been filled first with the sand, there would be no room for the rocks or pebbles or even the water - so, the moral of the story??

"FIRST - -do the things that matter most,
there will always be room for everything else!!"

In a nutshell,

  • - - - develop faith & trust in your WORD - from the INSIDE- OUT!
  • - - - determine what your DESTINATION is - begin with the END in MIND!
  • - - - figure out what your PRIORITIES are - focus on LARGE ROCKS!!
  • - - - change your DIRECTION to reflect your destination - take AIM at your TARGET!
  • - - - map out a PLAN to get you to where you want to be - your BLUE-PRINT!
  • - - - COMMIT to your plan - your RESOLVE & your PROMISE!
"Dont let the things that matter most,
become subject to the things that matter least"

Mauri ora
- - Hauiti - -

from the INSIDE-OUT

I don't know who said this, but i have been using it ever since i heard it:

"You cant draw water from an empty well"

Change for me has always been about INSIDE-OUT
Change what goes into your mind - in order to change how you view the world, how you react to circumstances, and how you perceive obstacles.

Winston Churchill said:

" to improve is to change,
to be perfect is to change often"

I wanted to change my circumstances; i wanted to find a way to create a PROSPEROUS MINDSET - so i began to change what went into my mind. I read alot - Stephen & Sean Covey, Napoleon Hill, Zig Ziglar, Anthony Robbins, Denis Waitley, Paul Zane Pilzer, Pat Mesiti, Robert Kiyosaki, W Clement Stone, Dale Carnegie, Norman Vincent Peale, Jack Canfield, Mark Hansen, Loral Langmeier, Brian Tracy, Vince Lombardi, Jamie MacIntyre and the list is endless!!

These types of books contain endless information and techniques for personal development and changing your mindset BUT, here's the rider:

"The KEY is in the person,
NOT the tools
- change must occur from the INSIDE-OUT!!"

In a nutshell, a person who does well has an inner set of beliefs - something called a mindset that helps them to achieve anything they set their minds to!! It does not matter what tools you give them, they will hone those tools using their mindset!!

So when i discovered that the key to success was INTERNAL rather than external - - - and that it is the person not the tools that determines a person's level of success ---- i began to look forward to change --- i began to look forward to developing a PROSPEROUS MINDSET - - - - A MILLIONAIRE MINDSET!!!

Pat Mesiti describes mindset as the capacity for thinking - in his book: The Millioniare Mindset, he quotes William Arthur Ward who says ----

"Nothing limits achievement like small thinking
and nothing expands possibilities like unleashed thinking"

A millionaire mindset is not about the money - it is about increasing the capacity of your thinking

James Arthur Ray talks about M I N D S E T

Henry Ford said:

"Thinking is the hardest work there is to do,
which is why so few people do it"

Charles Handy said:

"new ways of thinking about familiar things
can release new energies and make all manner of things possible"

Charles Simmons said:

“when things aren’t working right on the inside,

when our thinking and our feelings are wrong,

then we make it absolutely impossible for things to work correctly on the outside.”


Try these:
  • Read good books that renew & fill your mind up with POSITIVE THOUGHTS
  • Surround yourself with positive minded people
  • Set goals that challenge your mind
  • Commit yourself to your goals

"Your choice of people to associate with both personally & business-wise
is one of the most important choices you make.
if you associate with turkeys you will never fly with the eagles"
- - -Brian Tracy

Charles Kettering said:

"Believe & act as if it were impossible to fail"

Thats is in a nutshell


If u fail to PLAN, u Plan 2 FAIL

"If you don't design your own life plan
chances are you'll fall into someone else's plan.
and guess what they may have planned for you?
- Jim Rohn

Jack Canfield talks about PLANNING!!

Journals, Goals & Planners
8 years ago in 2001, my two big children came to live with me - they were 13 (daughter) & 11 (son) years old. A year later, my other son came to live with me - he was 10.

I began to consider what was important for me to teach my children - and of course i wanted them to have the tools, skills and attitudes necessary for them to be successful in their lives!! I wanted them to believe in themselves. I wanted them to not fear trying anything!! I wanted them to have full lives!!

So, i decided on journals, goals & planners!!

"Its about doing something different
to attract different results"

With Journals - I wanted them to keep a record of their 'lives' - i wanted them to record their ups and downs, their triumphs and trials - a record that they could reflect upon & use to evaluate their lives - a treasure to hand down to their children; a tool they could measure their growth & progress!

"You cant change your destination overnight
but you can change your direction"
--Jim Rohn

With Goals - i wanted to open up their minds, to expand their world and to plan for success. I wanted them to develop the skill to design their blueprint for success - and goals is one way of doing that!

"Plan your work and work your plan. Decide in advance
exactly how you are going to get from where you are to
where you want to go."
-- Brian Tracy

With Planners - i wanted them to have a tool to manage their goals, aspirations, dreams & blueprints. Planners serve as a method for planning, scheduling & evaluation of your goals - thats it in a NUTSHELL!!
